Thursday, October 30, 2008

Final Exam Questions...courtesy of your peers!

Here are the questions everyone turned in to be added to the final.

1. Why are thermophiles able to grow and thrive in such high temperatures?
2. What is the PCR process? What is it used for?
3. What part of thermophiles are used in PCR?
4. Mycorrhizae: What are they?
5. Do fungi reproduce asexually or sexually?
6. Mycelium: What is it’s location on a fungus?
7. Yeast is part of the ______Kingdom, has a high/average/low metabolic rate, and grows as normal cells and/or pseudomycelium.
8. Candida yeast are commonly/sometimes/rarely present in the human body, cause inflammation when the immune system __________and are aerobic/anaerobic.
9. Give as much detail as possible on the two methods of reproduction in yeast.
10. Where are blue-green algae found?
11. How do blue-green algae get its food?
12. Name one of the ways blue-green algae is being used today.
13. What are Koch’s four postulates?
14. What is the difference between an exotoxin and an endotoxin?
15. What is virulence factor?
16. What are the four forces? Describe each.
17. Draw and label a eukaryotic cell.
18. What makes carnivorous plants unique?
19. What is a red bulls eye rash a sign of?
20. How is Lyme disease most often transmitted?
21. How is Lyme disease most often treated?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Autotrophs Rule!!!

A nice perspective shot on the size of sequoia trees in California. Joy is standing in the burned out section of this organism that has grown around the wound and continues to thrive.
Homework for tomorrow is below and please read the two chapters listed in your syllabus for lecture. There will be discussions on the topics.
Happy Reading,
AS405 –Day 7 Homework
1. Home canners pressure-cook vegetables as a precaution against what organisms? What are the variables that pressure-cooking eliminates from these organisms life cycle.
2. Why are the protists especially important to biologists investigating the evolution of eukaryotic life?
3. Why doesn’t the sexual life cycle of humans, which has haploid and diploid stages, qualify as an example of alternation of generations?
4. Why is the health of lichens an indicator of air quality?
5. What is athlete’s foot?
AS405 –Day 8 Homework
1. Give 5 basic differences between monocots and dicots.
2. Why are the leavevs of most plants green? Give details.
3. Why will a tree die if it is girdled? Use appropriate terms and systems.
4. How is water taken up a tree beyond 10.3 meters?
5. Describe symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beautiful Funguys

For Hayley and the rest of you that want to see some really cool photos of Fungi. Just Lovely!

Team Teaching Biology

Everyone did great at teaching their various subjects!!! Now, onto the final exam questions. Create three questions from your topic of lecture today for the final. What are the things that you think your fellow geeks aught to know? Homework will be asked for at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Also, reading for tonight will be Chapters 10, 35, 36, 37. It is the world of the Autotrophs we will be discussing tomorrow!! Woo-hoo. Not that I have a bias! LOL!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Genetics, Day 5 Enjoy the weekend!

The animal with the largest number of chromosomes, I think, is the King Crab at 208! If anyone finds out differently, please post your results. Thanks! Homework below for Day 5.

AS405 –Day 5 Homework ________________________________

1. Compare & Contrast the rival theories of inheritance between Darwin and Mendel. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of both pangenesis and Mendel’s work.

2. Define genotype and phenotype and explain why the relationship between the two is rarely simple. Site examples in your argument.

3. Explain why sex-linked diseases are more common in human males.

4. Describe the structure and functions of telomeres. Explain the significance of telomerase to healthy and cancerous cells.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cell Theory Lecture 4

Here is the homework for Day 4. Please have chapters 13-16 read prior to coming to class.

AS405 –Day 4 Homework Name: ____________________

1. What are the three stages of cellular communication? Describe what is happening and in what location of the cell.

2. State the stages of cellular mitosis and describe the activity.

3. List and describe the differences between normal and cancer cells.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Read Chapters 10, 11 & 12

Hi, folks.

Please be sure and read chapters 10, 11 & 12 for class on Thursday. You will be asked to summarize the information therein.

Happy reading!